E-commerce giant Amazon India on Wednesday said it aims to eliminate single-use plastic from its packaging by June 2020 as part of its sustainability efforts in the country.
Flipkart had last week said it has reduced its usage of single-use plastic by 25% across its packaging value chain and, as it aims to move towards 100% recycled plastic consumption in its supply chain by March 2021.
The move comes after Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged people to shun single-use plastic to protect the environment. By October 2, on the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, “I want to urge the citizens to give up single-use plastic,” Modi said on the 73rd Independence Day.
According to the Environment Ministry, about 20,000 tonnes of plastic waste is generated every day in the country and out of which only 13,000-14000 tonnes are collected. Experts have maintained that the problem lies in inadequate collection and recycling systems. “Shopkeepers should sell jute and cloth bags. Customers should adopt ways to reduce plastic usage. We must also put technologies in use to abolish plastic usage,” the prime minister said.
Amazon India is aggressively developing plastic-free alternatives for packaging mailers, bubble bags, stretch wrap and tape used in the packaging which will help the company eliminate all forms of plastic used in its packaging. Amazon will also help educate their sellers who directly fulfil customer orders to join us in this directional change in packaging.
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Senior Engineer